Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sorry Everyone that has been following this Blog that i have not been able to post more contents to long for months now, I have been very busy working on several projects and creating other blogs, But for now i am a lil bit free and will commence frequent posting to this blog.

I have been working on several blogs which include I designed all of my blogs Myself and they are so professionally designed. this Blog was created to promote my Simple Blogger Guide Report that i just created that can teach anyone how to create blogs and earn money from your blogging activity.

You can checkout My Blogger Profile to check out some of my Blogs.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hello All and Welcome to my Blog,
This is my first post on this blog and so i thought i should use it to just share a personal message with you. I know you might have taken the time to go through my About Me section on this blog, that tells a little of who i am,
I am a 23 year old African Blogger although many people say that i am too smart for that age, but that's because i have come to know much and understand a lot of things from lessons Life has taught me.

As an African, i have been faced with so many challenges that has affected my life in several ways, but i have come to understand that Challenges only tends to make us better people and Champions in life. because without Challenges there will be no champions, its only when a challenge is put forth that Champions emerge.
So don't be afraid of any challenges but face them.

I have also come to understand that we can get everything we ever want in life if only we can help as many other people get what they want in life.
Almost all activities going on in the world evolves round this simple principle, this is the main reason for business developments and partnerships, relationship and many other activities.

A business is established by groups and individuals to generate incomes for them while rendering services to the communities. The community needs these services while the business owners needs income so the business owners gets what they want (money) by helping the community get what they want (The services) so that's the deal and so it goes in other areas of life.

Same is it for a product creator who had created a nice product or service and looking to get some buyers for his product so he goes online and look for affiliates looking to earn money and they team up at the end the affiliate generates sales for him and earned commissions too for himself, here the product created needs sales and income, the affiliate needs money and the buyer needs the product so they all got what they wanted by helping each other get what they want.

So go out there and share love, help as many other people get what they want you sure will come back home smiling because you will feel a great deal of achievement after that.